Castor Nut: The Awesome, The Not-So-Hot and the Downright Deadly

Castor Oil is an incredible substance that is obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor plant, Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae). It is a clear oil that has been used for medicinal use in Ancient Egypt, China, Persia, Africa, Greece, Rome, and in 17th Century Europe and the Americas. Centuries ago, the plant was referred to … Continue reading Castor Nut: The Awesome, The Not-So-Hot and the Downright Deadly

Vitex Agnus Castus, Chasteberry

Vitex Agnus Castus or Chasteberry is a magical herb for women. In Western herbalism Vitex is used for a myriad of conditions surrounding the female reproductive system including luteal phase insufficiency (which often results in miscarriage or infertility), infertility, PCOS, amenorrhea, PMS and menopausal symptoms. Many herbs show properties of phyto-estrogens very few have phyto-progestin … Continue reading Vitex Agnus Castus, Chasteberry